Friday, December 14, 2007

Viagra raises flower heads too

I read this research item several years ago. Israeli researchers discovered that a small amount of Viagra added to the water in a vase of cut flowers extended their upright freshness for a week or more beyond a cut bouquet's usual lifespan. It does so by slowing the breakdown of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (so now we still don't understand how it works). Dr. Yaacov Leshem and associates discovered this tip for floral potency while working on a process to increase the shelf-life of produce.

At the time, I had free access to Viagra samples but no posies on which to experiment. I did, however, have a more or less fresh Christmas tree set up in the corner of my living room beside a hot radiator. In a typical year, the tree would be dry and shedding needles even before the big day arrived. I crushed up a little blue pill and added it to the water in the tree's stand. The tree retained its fresh pine smell, springy upright stature, and all its needles until New Year's Day when it was time to retire it to the alley.

Alas, no Viagra this year. We do have samples of Cialis, though, aka "Le Weekend" pill, so-named because its boosting effects can last le entire weekend or 36 hours. I figure our current tree could motor on until Valentine's Day with a stiff drink of Cialis-laced water.


JeanMac said...

Witty title and interesting post - happy trees and plants:)"No, really, Doc, it's for my Christmas tree."

Anonymous said...

Very interesting! Can you imagine all the men thinking, "don't waste a good dose of viagra on wilting flowers!"

Midlife Midwife said...

he he, this post has me laughing...too bad I don't have samples any more either! Hmmm, do you suppose some day in the future you will get viagra packets in every bouquet you buy?

Mauigirl said...

LOL, great idea. I would be thrilled to have my tree up till Valentine's Day without dropping all those needles. I hate taking it down!

Dr. Smak said...

Finally! A consolation prize for all the wives of my elderly male patients who aren't so thrilled at their husband's new vigor.

Unknown said...
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