Saturday, August 14, 2021


Do nine gin-soaked raisins a day keep arthritis pain away?  And what about COVID, could tipsy raisins be a decent anti-inflammatory medicine for the infected?  At least one woman recently vouched for that.

Reading about this raisin product is intriguing, particularly on  This company’s website promotes their “21st century recipe” as opposed to the longstanding homemade variety.  The latter involves store-bought golden raisins soaked in any old gin for nine days, then eaten each morning, 9-at-a-time. DrunkenRaisins, however, uses a “Choice Jumbo Golden Raisin”, adds a ‘correct’ juniper berry influenced gin, then marinates the dried fruit in a sealed container with honey and imported cinnamon bark oil.  Each batch takes 10-14 days to finish ‘giving birth to the magic of one of the best anti-inflammatory foods available.”

My mouth is watering, and I don’t even really care for gin.  This goodbye to aching joints habit dates back 100 years.  Now is this placebo or an actual non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that needs no rx?  Placebo or not, it could very well be a very pleasant way to dial down arthritic pain.

Perhaps you’ve heard of Lucia DeClerck; she’s recently made headline news.  On her 105th birthday in January, she was diagnosed with COVID, one day after getting her second Pfizer vaccine.  She isolated for 2 weeks, had very few symptoms, missed her chats with her friends, then went back to her room in a New Jersey nursing home, all the while never missing a single morning dose of her nine golden raisins which she’s been taking for decades.

Was it the vaccine? Prayer and no junk food which she practices daily?  The raisins?  Doesn’t really matter does it…vaccines 1 &2 with rising protection, anti-inflammatory juniper berry phenols toning down an overactive immune system, and/or belief in raisins and religion.  There you have it, whatever ‘it’ is.

Interested?  There are drunken raisin recipes all over the internet, or call DrunkenRaisins.  They’ll ship a super fresh batch to you within 2 to 3 days. 

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