Sunday, February 28, 2010

Occipital neuralgia and Lyrica

Maureen periodically flinched while we talked as searing pain shot up the back of her head. Short but severe, these jolts of pain were diagnostic of neuralgia, a condition wherein a single nerve-- the greater occipital in this case-- seizes with pain. As a result, my patient was experiencing show-stopping discomfort from the base of her skull over the back of her head, sometimes on the left and other times on the right.

She spent her days hunched, like so many of us, over a computer and desk. On standing, she carried her head forward and her shoulders rounded reflecting the anterior thrust of her daily activities. All this was aggravated by breasts so large that her bra straps had dug permanent grooves in the top of her shoulders.

No easy fix for Maureen. I assumed that she, like many people, would not embrace the idea of medication, particularly over the long haul. I told her my plan--a short term fix to improve things quickly with a medication called Lyrica coupled with a larger plan to improve her posture, strengthen her supporting abdominal and back muscles, and perhaps consideration of breast reduction surgery.

Lyrica (pregabalin) is indicated for the treatment of seizures, diabetic neuropathy, nerve pain following seizures, and was recently approved for the treatment of fibromyalgia. Its use for occipital neuralgia, therefore, is 'off-label' but experience confirms that it soothes hypersensitive nerves no matter their location. Unfortunately, it's not without side effects, causing sedation, dizziness, and dysequilibrium, but its analgesic benefits can far outweigh these problems in patients whose daily lives are completely turned upside down by pain.

Maureen headed out with samples plus referrals to a physical therapist and a plastic surgeon and a written copy of the plan. Here's the phone message I received the next day:

Patient doesn't want to take Lyrica over a long period of time, was looking for a quicker working solution to pain. Advise.

Argh. Message back to patient:

Lyrica is a quicker working solution. Physical therapy, posture work, and possible surgery is the longer term answer.

The next message from Maureen sent the following day:

Pain free for the first time in weeks!


rlbates said...

Nice that u\it worked so quickly for her

Anonymous said...

I am currently on lyrica for occipital neuralgia. This is day 4 and I can feel a difference. However the pain is not gone and has moved to other areas of my face and head. I also have adenomyosis and the burning pain of the occipital neuralgia seems to have migrated to my uterus. On second dose I awoke with burning fire type pain in my uterus. Doctor said continue and increase dose. No change. I can say the pain in my head is different but today it's constant it's tolerable but hasn't faded. I wish that there was more info for doctors on occipital neuralgia. I wish I cod have the results listed here.